Strategic Business Succession Planning

A clear cut succession plan is greatly beneficial to an organisation: It minimises disruption caused by employee departures, fosters employee engagement and growth, and ensures institutional knowledge is retained. Taking a holistic view of current and future goals, this workshop prepares participants with the tools needed to ensure that they have the right people in the right jobs today and those with the skills and potential to perform in future roles.

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Finance and Cost Accounting for Non-Financial Professionals

The Finance and Cost Accounting for Non-Financial Professionals explores the analysis of historical performance of financial reports and forecasts financial performance. The participants of this workshop will learn how to use financial terminology and methodology to communicate with others.

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Financial Modelling

The Financial Modelling Workshop will cover analysing and modelling financial/accounting projections based on internal and external variables. Participants of this workshop will review and analyse key financial statements to assist in forming the basis of projection assumptions and parameters.

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Quality Management and Service Delivery in Healthcare

Every health institutions should aim to provide quality care to their patients, ensuring that they leave the institution in a better condition than when they entered. The Quality Management and Service Delivery in Healthcare Workshop is designed for health care workers, health quality managers and anyone who comes into contact with patients. The workshop will outline healthcare quality standards, strategies for improving patient safety and protocols for positive patient-healthcare provider interactions.

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Understanding and Managing the Public Procurement Tendering Process & Use of Framework Agreements

The Understanding and Managing the Public Tendering Process Workshop is designed to provide participants with an understanding on how to ensure an equitable evaluation of all compliant bids as well as expose them to the standards and principles of ethical conduct in the tendering process. The programme will discuss the implications of the Public Procurement and Disposal of Property Act as well as current issues in procurement like E-Procurement and a variety of precedent setting case studies in Procurement Law.

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