Master of
Human Resource
Programme Overview

Programme Objectives
Programme Objectives – Master of HR Management
What Makes Us Unique
- Academic Quality
Our quality assurance processes and academic standards are aligned to those of The University of the West Indies and our institutional accrediting body, the Accreditation Council of Trinidad and Tobago (ACTT). In addition, our MBA programme is accredited by the Association of MBAs (AMBA), the global standard of all MBAs. Together these accrediting and quality assurance agencies ensure excellence in our teaching and learning, and facilitate continuous enhancement of our student experience. These standards also drive the frequent review of our courses and programmes so that they are relevant and responsive to the ever-changing business environment.
- Teaching and Learning Philosophy
- Leadership Ethos
- Faculty
About The Arthur Lok Jack Global School Of Business

The UWI- Arthur Lok Jack Global School of Business is an international School for Business based in Trinidad & Tobago that provides access and exposure to resources that encourage your progression and growth to help you make the improvements that you want to see in your life.
Professor Sterling Frost
Organisational Behaviour, Human Resource Management, Strategic Planning
Admissions Requirements
MHRM Entry Requirement options
Who should attend
- Supervisors
- HR Professionals
- IR Negotiators
- Administrative Managers in NGOs & other organisations
- Other Professionals looking for a career change
Get Started Today!

Our Admissions Office is located at Max Richards Drive, Uriah Butler Highway North West, Mount Hope.
- (868) 299–0218 ext 200
- (868) 662-1411
To learn more about programme pricing or our affordable payment plans speak to an academic advisor today.