POST MBA Certificate

The POST MBA programme will develop executives’ ability to bring disparate disciplines to bear on the analysis and solution of organisational challenges. It will use the fundamental theories of the human sciences to develop individual and organisational insights for executives and promote executives’ confidence in decision making associated with significant risk.

POST MBA Certificate

This programme begins

In an era of global integration, cross border trade and investment and increased competitiveness where survival is achieved through innovation and growth, the Post MBA is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of the latest management, leadership and innovation concepts and tools to experienced executives who have already earned an MBA degree. Focusing on new developments in management thinking within the past decade, this programme will enable participants to extend their mastery of managerial skills beyond their MBA learning.

This programme aims to transform the technically capable and strategic executive into a leader with a new body of knowledge to innovate, internationalize and grow their companies. The programme is geared to offer exciting, unique and concentrated coverage in highly relevant management and international business topics in a curriculum designed to foster creative and critical thinking within the context of the global competitive environment.

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