On April 13 and 20, 2019 UWI-Arthur Lok Jack Global School of Business, University of the West Indies and Stanford D. School students will collaborate via a virtual session in a design thinking anthropology workshop to provide solutions to a social problem from Silicon Valley. Eight students will be selected from each institution.
As part of the ALJGSB authentic teaching and learning approach, at this class experience students will explore the value of insider (emic) perspective, outsider (etic) perspective, and how inside and outside perspectives might be better harmonized to yield more impactful creative insights and better collaborate given their different blind spots and viewpoints.
At this session, students from Stanford D. School (USA) will be the ‘insider’ and students from the UWI-Arthur Lok Jack Global School of Business in Trinidad and Tobago will be the ‘outsiders’. Together, they will work to understand and provide potential solutions to a social problem in Silicon Valley.
To join the sessions, students need to apply and be selected based on a determined criterion by the teaching team. Application deadline is April 1 and selected students will be confirmed and notified by April 5.
Sessions will be held from 12:00 noon to 6:00 p.m. each day
Over the two-day period the selected students will:
- Explore how we might understand problems through multiple cultural lenses, as both an insider and outsider
- Develop innovative and creative solutions to 1st world challenges
- Examine and challenge clichés and stereotypes to understand culture
- Reframe research insights into a point of view and preliminary concepts
- Develop skills in international networking and building relationships in cross-cultural teams
- Explore how you might navigate and nudge cultural power dynamics in design interventions
The teaching team comprises:
Glenn Fajardo (Stanford )
Lesley-Ann Noel, PhD (Stanford)
Michael Lee Poy (UWI)
For further information please contact:
Dr. Richard Ramsawak r.ramsawak@lokjackgsb.edu.tt
Michael Gray m.gray@lokjackgsb.edu.tt