July 22nd, 2023

9am - 3pm

Lok Jack GSB, Mt. Hope Campus

Explore job opportunities and determine financing solutions for your career development.

July 22nd, 2023 | 9AM - 3PM | Free Event!

Lok Jack GSB Open Day Overview

Learn how to build a career in business, prepare for your promotion and achieve your career goals at the Lok Jack GSB Open Day. Attend career building workshops, network with alumni and students, meet faculty, mingle with social media influencers.
Register for a One-on-One Session with an Academic Advisor and visit corporate booths to explore job opportunities and determine financing solutions for your career development.

Register for One on One Academic Advising Sessions, Career Workshops and more...

I would like register for(Choose all that apply)

Open Day Agenda

Jobs in Data featuring Mr. Andrew Olton & Ms. Rawati Heeraman. Moderated by Dr. Kevin Fleary
Redefining consulting in a Post Pandemic World: Disruptions, Trends and Adaptability featuring Sasha Dhoray and Natthoya Baptiste, UWI Lok Jack GSB Consulting Services
MBA Information Session
12 Noon
The Three T's of Job Hunting featuring Francis Lewis, Res Consulting
12 Noon
1 PM
Lok Jack GSB Masters Portfolio Information Session
1 PM
2 PM
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Hiring Practices in the Caribbean featuring HR Management Association of Trinidad and Tobago (HRMATT)
2 PM

Bachelor of International Business Experience featuring Stephon Felmine
10am - 12 noon

Opening & Welcome: Ms. Kersha Garner
Guest Speaker 1 - Stephon Felmine, Trini Tik Tok Star "The business of being an influencer"
Guest Speaker 2 - TBD "The impact of the new work environment"
The Lok Jack GSB Student Experience - Student Ambassadors
Bachelor of International Business Information Sharing

Educational Finance Providers