What is “Good Organisation Design”?
What are “Good Organisation Design Principles and Tests”?
Are there specific OD rules and guidelines that your organisation should follow?
Most Organisation Design (OD) agents rely on a few homegrown rules of thumb, such as ‘a manager should have no more than six (6) direct reports’, or ‘staff shouldn’t have two (2) managers’. I myself have been guilty of same at one point in time or another.
Well according to Andrew Campbell, Organisation Design Expert, Author, Consultant and Trainer, in addition to the above there’s been a cacophony* (I like this word) of advice, much of it quite complicated, hard to apply and in some cases even self-contradictory in approach.
Case in point “How to Group Responsibilities into Units/ Departments”. The list below shows a sample of the advice procured from available literature on a singular OD issue:
- Greater task diversity requires greater departmentalization (Aston Studies)
- The greater the intensity of interaction between activities, the more closely they should be linked (Thompson)
- Functional structures are best for Standardisation, scale and task specialization (Galbraith)
- Product structures are best when product characteristics are diverse and rapid product development is important (Galbraith)
*an incongruous or chaotic mixture…

Join us on September 17, 2019 at our Organisation Design Conference to explore best practices in Organisation Design principles and tests.
This is a relevant topic for all companies who are in the process of making themselves ‘fit for purpose’ given the region’s current economic landscape.
The time is now!!! Book your spot for to be part of this onetime offering!
…Seats are going fast. See you there…
Visit our website at https://lokjackgsb.edu.tt/organisation-design-conference-2019/ call 645-6700 ext. 223 or email consult@lokjackgsb.edu.tt
From the desk of your OD Champion