Kristofer Granger – Master of Marketing, UWI Arthur Lok Jack Global School of Business
Kristofer Granger is a Strategic Consultant, Lecturer, and award-winning Academic at the Arthur Lok Jack GSB, University of the West Indies. A sought-after practitioner of Digital Marketing, Granger has held senior management positions at Lonsdale Saatchi and Saatchi Advertising, Ross Advertising, TTT Ltd, and CreativeTT.
He has designed strategies and managed Marketing projects for the European Union in Sweden, Antigua Commercial Bank, Domino’s Pizza, Bryden Pi, FT Farfan, Carib, Nestlé, Angostura, BGTT (and Shell), and others.
Currently, a member of the Arthur Lok Jack Alumni Board, Granger has also represented the GSB in Shanghai, China, speaking on the state of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Cultural Sector in Trinidad and Tobago.
He has designed and facilitated courses in Digital Marketing Strategy, Social Media Strategy, Content Marketing, Digital Transformation, Web Writing, Marketing Management, and Innovation. Trained in the delivery of Authentic Business Education, he has delivered courses for EU-funded projects locally and scores of organizations including SMEs through an ongoing relationship with the National Entrepreneurship Development Corporation of Trinidad and Tobago (NEDCO).
Granger holds a BSc in Computing and Information Systems from the London Metropolitan and a Master of Marketing degree from the UWI, Arthur Lok Jack Global School of Business. He also has certification in Agile Project Management from the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT Manufacturing).