Closure of Lok Jack GSB Campus

Closure of Lok Jack GSB Campus

News& Views

Closure of Lok Jack GSB Campus

Dated: March 13, 2020

Dear Students:

Based on the announcement made by the Prime Minister, the honourable Dr. Keith Rowley this afternoon, The Lok Jack GSB, Mt. Hope campus will be CLOSED effective tomorrow, Saturday 14th March, 2020 to Sunday 22nd March, 2020, in the first instance.

Please note that classes will be conducted online and relevant staff can be accessed via e-mail and mobile phones. 

We continued to be guided by World Health Organisation (WHO) and Ministry of Health advisories.

We are committed to safety and well-being of our students and staff.  If you have any questions or concerns, please forward to

Please ensure that you keep washing your hands with soap and water, using hand sanitiser (where soap and water are unavailable) and avoid crowded places wherever possible.  STAY SAFE ALL!

The Lok Jack GSB Leadership team

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