Minute Taking and Memo Writing

The Minute Taking and Memo Writing Workshop offers participants a practical approach to memo writing and minute taking for the busy business professional. Participants will explore the importance of minute-taking and issuing memos, the skills to work with the chairperson and other participants to ensure accurate recording of proceedings, proper documentation practices and the techniques for creating “reader-friendly” documents.

Minute Taking and Memo Writing

This programme begins

Writing minutes is a skill, which requires a good understanding of the purpose and value of meetings. The minute-taker needs to appreciate the legal and other implications if the proceedings of meetings are not recorded accurately. The ability to concentrate, to listen with a discerning mind, and use judgment in determining relevance in keeping records are extremely important.

With training and experience, the minute-taker improves. Minute-takers are not expected to reproduce a full verbatim record of what was said but to provide precise records of the business conducted, decisions made, and action to be taken. Memo-writing also calls for excellent conceptualisation and communication skills to convey messages concisely and accurately to produce the desired result.

This two-day online workshop offers a practical approach to memo writing and minute taking for the busy business professional. This course is an ideal opportunity for those with little or no minute taking or memo writing experience or for those persons who wish to brush-up on their skills.

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