Lok Jack GSB Alumni Relations

Our alumni body has over 3,000 graduates globally.  Our experiences as graduates binds us through our professional networks and shared academic memories. It connects all of us in a very special way. I hope you will use this website as a means to keep that connection current, no matter where life and your career takes you.

Alumni Relations

Membership in the Lok Jack GSB Alumni is FREE and takes effect the moment you graduate. Membership offers many benefits as your relationship with Lok Jack GSB should not end at graduation.  There is much the Business School can do for you throughout life and much that you can, and are encouraged to do, to support our continued impact throughout the region.

I invite you to maintain contact by attending our Alumni Reunion and Cocktails, Business Mixer and other networking events. Follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn, support fellow Lok Jack GSB Graduates on the Alumni Business Directory, join the Student Mentoring Network, get involved by being a Guest Speaker in lectures and assist us in recruiting talented professionals, or simply keep us updated on any big career accomplishments and changes in your life. Your classmates will be happy to hear from you.

Thank you for visiting the Alumni Relations page! Please re-visit this page often for updates on alumni news and events. When you return to campus, please identify yourself as an alumni at reception to obtain an alumni pass to access the Library and visit your favourite Faculty members. Our Alumni Relations staff loves to see alumni and share the latest happenings on campus.

Membership in the Lok Jack GSB Alumni is FREE and takes effect the moment you graduate. Membership offers many benefits as your relationship with Lok Jack GSB should not end at graduation.  There is much the Business School can do for you throughout life and much that you can, and are encouraged to do to support our continued impact throughout the region.

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