The Arthur Lok Jack Global School of Business

Centre for Strategy and Competitiveness

The Centre’s philosophy involves a holistic approach towards competitiveness that is focused at both the micro and the macroeconomic level.

Centre for Strategy and Competitiveness


The CSC offers an array of services that are essential to meet the pressing competitiveness challenges faced by the Latin American and Caribbean region. Primarily, these services are aimed at equipping regional governmental bodies and private sector firms with the required tools to become more globally competitive.
National Strategic Planning and Competitive Analysis
This entails conducting competitiveness diagnostics and strategy development for individual firms or industries using internationally accepted tools and methodologies for modelling, benchmarking and best practice purposes.
Cluster and Business Development Initiatives
Diagnostics to determine opportunities for cluster development, mapping of existing clusters, training and facilitating cluster management to promote thriving business models.
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME)
Development Provision of customized technical support and training for MSMEs to accelerate growth
Capacity Building Workshops
Provision of technical support and training in all functional areas of business to improve overall competitiveness of firms.
Leveraging international affiliations and networks to form linkages between local and international clusters and value chains.


The Centre for Strategy and Competitiveness (CSC) was established in 2011 with the aim of becoming the leading competitiveness institute in Latin America and the Caribbean.


Competiveness: Firms, Clusters and Economic Development is a MBA course created by Professor Michael Porter and colleagues at the Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness at Harvard Business School


The Center for Strategy and Competitiveness produces reports, academic articles, opinion editorials, as well as teaching cases.

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The Arthur Lok Jack Global School of Business
Centre for Strategy and Competitiveness

MBA Programme
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